Sunday, 26 April 2015

Complaint against S.Chandrasekhar by Dr.P.Shankar Rao family through Dayanand, the professional land grabber

Dear All Loyal Members.

I am at loss of my words to find the mail sent by Penta family, headed by Dayanand, the blood brother of Dr.Penta.Shankar.Rao (the sacked and disgraced ex minister of Cong and the Ex Cong MLA, who did not get ticket for his land grab activities to help his brother), who are professional land grabbers in Green Fields and also in various places of India. The next step is to initiate CBI inquiry with the help of Forum for Good Governance, with whom I will closely working after I received these awards. 

It is interesting to know that the bravery award given to me recently by NCoRWA, at New Delhi was not known to me as very prestigious till I saw the Dr.Rao family negative letter to the whole award committee. More so that that I do not know that our honorable PM garu, Sri.N.Modi is involved and the same will be presented by Minister for Urban Development, Mr.Venkaiah Naidu on the 24th March 2015. His letter clearly states and I am very thankful to them for updating me on this issue. Unfortunately, Minister could not make it and sent the Malkajgiri MP, Ch.Malla Reddy garu. But he too left early due to parliament in secession. 

I am not only very happy and but also thankful to these rogue elements, particularly Dr.P.Shankar Rao and Dayanand for giving me the extra publicity by sending these trash mails to the entire award committee and the whole committee decided to award me or scrap the entire award if not given to me. I wanted to thank every award committee members for their support to my cause and I will now work more vigorously to finish such land grabbers, who are escaping the law of the land with their poliical power/blackmail, goondas power, money power and so on. 

It is irony that those who really benefited with my fight with such rogue elements in saving their lands did not even call me from the GF colony to greet and wish me or congratulate us, Inayat and Ram Babu. But the entire Hyderabad Residents Welfare (RWAs) associations and other NGOs are calling us to felicitate us on daily basis. It is shame on our part to work for such colony community, who do not respect their own heros. Thankfully, the open plot owners support has saved our embracement with their blessings and greetings. 

Click here

Let us pray the GOD and the Almighty that these forces will be gifted with some wisdom for their better future? 

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

New group other than illegal out fit...

Dear All,

Day before yesterday, when I was with officials of the Collector office,I understand that one Mr. GVVS.Muthy has filed a petition with Collector RR Dist, claiming himself as Convenor ( there is no post exists in our bylaws 1992 as such) with his letter dated  21st Jan 2015 ( Recd by them on 29th Jan 2015) and started representing the Green Fields as if they are also legal committee. It was shocking to me and sought the copies of the confirmation of such letters. The same will be supplied under RTI soon. 

I was told that along with Murthy, 25 plus fellows signed in the petition. Who are those behind trying undermine our interest with such new set of illegal members in the name of Green Fields? After we get the details, we will file a criminal cases on them as well along with Sadasheva Rao. If this group intention is good, why they did not consult us to seek our support or they should have joined us as well a lead group with legal stamping. Instead, why they went on their own?. Why they formed a separate outfit in Green Fields name? 

Interestingly, the officials of the revenue department say that the following contempt petition is filed by Sadasheva Rao on his order WP 16006. But I understand as per Mr.Murthy own words, it is he who filed this contempt case. What is the sanctity of this new group creating a fresh kind of confusion?  Looks like they do know that the GO 166 stay is anyway will not be vacated to regularisation our plots. But to gain the foothold to start funds collections, the new illegal outfit formed to subvert the law since the Sadasheva Rao group with Satyam is burried in the sands of Green Fields with our efforts. They do know that if they file any cases on his title, the legal consequences and criminal cases will be followed. 

Let us wait and see what will happen. 

CC 643 / 2015CCSR 2880 / 2015CASE IS:PENDING
SUBJECT: U/s 10,11,12 of Contempt of Court ActDISTRICT:  RANGA REDDY
REG. DATE    :   09-04-2015LISTING DATE :  01-05-2015STATUS   :  NOTICES

We are also having our facebook account: request all the new members to follow the Green Fields web site home page for all missed information in the mails to update yourself and spread the awareness to ignorant members about the efforts put in by the legal association. 

Also send at least one mail every 15 days to this ID so that your ID is active in the group ID of Green Fields. 

All the replies must come only on this ID,, even if you receive any mail related to GF from any of my personal email ID's.

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary. 

Monday, 20 April 2015

Tribute to a True Leader and real life Hero

EcoSure felicitated 3 of us for having received the bravery award for fighting political corruption and land grab.

Dear All members,

Yesterday, EcoSure felicitated 3 of us ( me, Ram Babu and Inayat Hassan) for having received the bravery award from National Confederation of Residents Welfare Association, in association with Ministry of Urban Development, Govt of India for fighting political corruption and land grab at Green Fields .

Doyen of the energy industry and now more into Solar energy industry development, Dr.T.L.Shankar graced the occasion. We are fortunate to have him. 

Thanks to Sri.Keshava Sundara Murthy of "Spoorthi Padham" for this kind of social issues been taken up by him. Thanks to him for honoring us as well.

Thanks to our Vice President Om Prakash garu, Sai Prasad garu, PBR garu (and his daughter), Prabhakar Reddy garu, Anthaiah garu, Ms.Vijayananda, Ms.Karuna along with Mr.Inayat Hassan and Mr.Ram Babu joined the celebrations. Few photos are sent here with. Ram Babu also was felicitated and his photos will be sent later since it is missing from my personal camera.

We are also having our facebook account: request all the new members to follow the Green Fields web site home page for all missed information in the mails to update yourself and spread the awareness to ignorant members about the efforts put in by the legal association. 

Also send at least one mail every 15 days to this ID so that your ID is active in the group ID of Green Fields. 

All the replies must come only on this ID,, even if you receive any mail related to GF from any of my personal email ID's.

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Yet another Felicitation may be by industry is taking place on 20th April 2015 at 3 pm

Dear All Loyal Members.

Yet another Felicitation may be by industry is taking place on 3 of us. We are happy to update you that the 3rd Anniversary Celebration of EcoSure Conference (the Solar Energy Industry) promoted by “Spoorthi Padam” Telugu Monthly Magazine is taking place on the 20th April 2015 from 3 pm onwards till 6 pm.

The event will be held at F(T)APCCI KLN Rao Auditorium (Federation of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall), Bazaarghat, Red Hills, Hyderabad. The Solar industry is facilitating S.Chandrasekhar ( for his bravery awards by NCoRWA for fighting against land grabbers)  and both Inayat Hassan and Ram Babu (for their support to prevent in land grab at Green Fields) also by NCoRWA along with Chandrasekhar on that day.

The special invitation for first 100 members on first cum first served basis was extended to all our Green Fields members with a reserve gallery to our members to participate. I think this will be a great occasion to meet on that day to cheer us?  

I request everyone in Hyderabad  to participate and benefit from the exposure.

The invitation is attached. All are welcome. Please confirm your participation for arranging the passes with seat numbers.

Those who tried their best to undermine and sabotage my earlier award also may surface here. But the adequate arrangements are made to arrest them. 

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary. 

High Court case Court Land Grab of members plots !! ??

Dear All members. 

I am sure many might have noticed the Mr.Manju tweet herein on complaints by individuals on land grab of their plots to obtain court order for demolishing and criminal cases.Now I am asking this only for sake of strengthening my hands since the criminal forces ( both outside and within association) are trying to take advantage of your silence and trying to defame me as if I do not have mandate to file cases by saying that I am not President. My format of the complaint cum mandate is only to protect your own interest. Hence I requested. 

But out of 100 plus reports of land grab, only 4 complaints have come. The response so lukewarm that it will costly to go to high court and obtain orders. Hence I kept on hold till numbers increase. To get order, if at at least 20 members come, the cost by each person will come down considerably. If I take up with my money, I will not able to run day to day issues. Hence I am going slow. 

I am sure you members understand the situation and come forward. The Survey Number 373 plot owners/members occupied by Dr.P.Shankar Rao/Dayanand ( chargesheet filed in RR Dist Land Grab court by police), survey No 375,379 occupied by Gaddar son in law and survey 378 occupied by huts and MLA must be a joint petition to bring down the cost of the PIL high court. 

Recently, Qutubullapur colony obtained similar order from high court on RR Dist Collector, which I sent long ago. I am baffled by why members are hesitant?? Please come with your reactions/suggestions/ideas if I am wrong in doing so.

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary. 

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Felicitation by Standing Committee of Tarnaka Residents Welfare Associations

Dear All,

I wanted to thank Inline image 6Inline image 5Inline image 4all the committee members of Standing Committee of Tarnaka Residents Welfare Associations ( SCOTRWA) for the Felicitation on me today during their AGM for getting the bravery Inline image 7award at NCoRWA, New Delhi. I Inline image 10Inline image 9Inline image 8Thank all the members SCOTRWA for organising on this occasion and also Mr.Om Prakash and Dr.Rao Chelikani garu for their special gesture.

We are also having our facebook account: request all the new members to follow the Green Fields web site home page for all missed information in the mails to update yourself and spread the awareness to ignorant members about the efforts put in by the legal association. 

Also send at least one mail every 15 days to this ID so that your ID is active in the group ID of Green Fields. 

All the replies must come only on this ID,, even if you receive any mail related to GF from any of my personal email ID's.

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary. 

Friday, 3 April 2015

Our CoRWA conference 2015 and awards function is widely covered by Tarnaka Times.

Dear All,

Our CoRWA conference 2015 and awards function is widely covered by Tarnaka Times. Even at New Delhi local dailies, they have published the news in a very prominent way. But yet to get the cuttings from them.

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary. 

Thanks to Dr Rao Chelikani...

Dear All,

Today, on appointment with my guru Dr.VBJ Chelikani, I met him and shared my experience on our trip to NCoRWA. I took the chance to dedicate this award to him since it is all because of his vigorous persuasion, the award was given to me due to his strong knowledge on y efforts. I thanks him along with Mr.Ashwin as well.

He wish me all the best and blessed me with such awards in the years to come.

We are also having our facebook account: I request all the new members to follow the Green Fields web site home page for all missed information in the mails to update yourself and spread the awareness to ignorant members about the efforts put in by the legal association. 

Also send at least one mail every 15 days to this ID so that your ID is active in the group ID of Green Fields. 

All the replies must come only on this ID,, even if you receive any mail related to GF from any of my personal email ID's.

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary. 

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Met our MP at New Delhi during conference.

Dear All members.

We had great opportunity to meet our Malkajgiri MP, Ch. Malla Reddy garu at New Delhi during the Confederation of Residents Welfare Association (CoRWA) conference. He was received also by Inayat Hassan and Ram Babu at conference and later after finishing the conference, they saw him off. 

When these 2 members petitioned to help on Green Fields, he asked them to come to Hyderabad after parliament and he would look in to it. 

The photos are sent here with for your info. 

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary. 

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Speaking at New Delhi CoRWA conference

Dear All,

Last week, I have sent few photos on the bravery award winning at New Delhi. Today, I have sent 4 photos on my speaking on Green Fields, no local government support on Swatch Bharat Abhiyan  and on anti land grab SOP to included in the next annual CoRWA conference. It was well appreciated by the audience.

As I stated earlier several times, the nation

knows what I am doing to Green Fields. But our own non loyal members are still in slumbers. Thankfully, the loyal members gave the strength and their comments on me, which is often uploaded in Testimonial column of the website was notice by 2,54,166 people till today. 

We are also having our facebook account: request all the new members to follow the Green Fields web site home page for all missed information in the mails to update yourself and spread the awareness to ignorant members about the efforts put in by the legal association. 

Also send at least one mail every 15 days to this ID so that your ID is active in the group ID of Green Fields. 

All the replies must come only on this ID,, even if you receive any mail related to GF from any of my personal email ID's.

Thanking you,
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
For GFPOA (Legal),
President cum General Secretary.