Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The anti survey forces are at it again... the false complaint of crook Dayanand the brother of Dr.P.Shankar Rao

Dear All Members,

The feedback on our AGM was excellent and we are happy to say that we could do best possible arrangements for the same. Any suggestion for further improvement can be given to incorporate the same during the next meeting.

In the meanwhile, as promised by me in the AGM, I met our RR Dist Collector garu and sought his written directions to start the stopped survey by the anti survey forces, headed by Dr.P.Shankar Rao, through his proxy/benami blood brother Dayanand. to start again. He said that the JC 1 is back from the tour and yesterday, he was at court and the work will be starting in next couple of days with a specific directions. 

I have requested the DRO to provide me a copy of the letter given by these forces ( aka Dayanand) to AD Survey and Land Records to stop the work on various false grounds and with frivolous complaints. The same was given to me yesterday after long wait and it is attached for your ready reference. 

The complaint itself is with several contradiction and wrong information along with several misleading information. The details are as follows:The Sub in his letter says that I am the alleged President of the Green Field POA. This fraudster has no right to question my authority since he is not suppose to question any intra association matters. That shows how much they are terrified of me.
  1. This fraudster  quotes the survey numbers as 373, 376.378,379,380, 381 and 386. to the extent of 75 acres. Means, he left the survey No 374, 375 , 377 deliberately as out sourced fees to Ravi, the son in law of Gaddar, to help him here? It is very clear here.
  2. His documents, such as Decree is not valid since he lost the case in High Court under common order WP 11777/2005. The decree is also lost by him midway through since he did not make the government a party while filing the case. 
  3. The so called villagers, from whom he says he has bought the land, have no right to sell since they have surrendered these lands in 1953/55 even according to government. How come their patta certificate are valid now having surrendered the lands more than 50 years ago?
  4. When the so called patta is with him with ORC in his name, why he filed for a decree in the court and later an Executive Petition in RR Dist court?
  5. The Bank Challan has no relevance since he lost the decree. I suppose the amount taken back by him now what he has deposited in the year 1995? How come he got such big money in cash at that time when he was a very poor guy? Income Tax guys, please wake up.
  6. He did not talk about the High Court gave order against him in WP 11777 as comon order for several cases.
  7. He did not mention about his loosing the case in APEX Court in forms of SLP, Review and Curative Petitions in this letter, misleading the officials. 
  8. He did not mention the FIR is registered in his name in Nereditmet PS on him and other 4 members.
  9. He smartly, says that he filed WP 3000, without mentioning that he lost all the cases right up to the Apex Court, and for this, a big time cheating is filed by me in police station through Malkajgiri Court.
  10. At the bottom of the letter, he says that survey must be stopped even at survey numbers, 373 to 379 ( here it includes 374,375 and 377 as well) and also 386. Here he is helping his comrade in arm for land grab, Ravi to benefit from stopping the survey. 
  11. He is misleading the officials as if there is a court order on the survey to be stopped.  But in the WP 3000, which is only case filed by him is for only GO 166. 
  12. He says copy of the high court order is filed. But he did not mention the number as such. And the same with Supreme Court order without the numbers.
  13. His letter date  is post the WA 333 of 2011 order. But he did not mention. When the so called vendors ( villagers) have lost the case all the cases, how come he will get the right over the title? He is fooling the officials. 
  14. Last but not least, he marks a copy to police as if he is right and we are wrong. I will also file a police complaint with copy to CM, RR Dist Collector, DGP, CP,DCP and ACP soon. If no action is taken, I will file a court case on police. 
Interestingly, Shankar Rao used to claim the other 3 survey numbers as bought by him. Now he is not claiming those since the rumor of the same being given it to Ravi, the son in law of Gaddar is emerging brightly here. A new dimension to the issue. 

Let me plan for a meeting with Collector and we must meet and make an issue to see that they book a case to show his place???

Thanking you,

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

President ( Legally Elected as per court order) 

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